Postdoctoral RA
In preparation / submitted:
K Park, Y Zhang, M Lorenzo, G Seroka, A Fujisaki, S Peeri, S Moghimi, J Kelley (2024). “Evaluation of a 3d Unstructured Grid Model for the New York-New Jersey Harbor Under Different Forcing Sources”, Submitted. [link]
K Park, Z Yang, A Copping, F Rollano (2024). "A High-Resolution Modeling Study on the Influence of Thermal Gradient Variability on Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Resources", Submitted. [link]
K Park et al. (2024). "Characterization of Gulf Stream Energy Resources: A 30-year High-resolution Simulation Study", to be submitted in December 2024 [link]
L Cui, F Ye, Y Zhang, H Yu, Z Wang, S Moghimi, G Seroka, J Riley, S Pe'eri, S Mani, E Myers, K Park, L Tang, Z Yang, Y Wang (2024). “Total water level prediction at continental scale: coastal ocean”, Ocean Modelling, 192, p.102451. [link]
Y Zhang, J Anderson, K Park, C Wu, S Wipperfurth, E Anderson, S Pe'eri, D Beletsky, D Titze, E Lorenzo, S Moghimi, G Seroka, E Myers, A Fujisaki-Manome, J Kelley (2024). “Debunking common myths in coastal circulation modeling”, Ocean Modelling, 190, p.102401. [link]
K Park, E Lorenzo, Y Zhang, H Wang, T Ezer, F Ye (2024). “Delayed coastal inundations caused by ocean dynamics post-Hurricane Matthew”, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7(1), p.5. [link]
​Y Son, E Lorenzo, K Park, S Wipperfurth, J Luo (2023). “Data assimilation of hyper-local water level sensors for real-time monitoring of coastal inundation”, Coastal Engineering, 186, p. 104398. [link]
K Park, I Federico, E Di Lorenzo, T Ezer, KM Cobb, N Pinardi, G Coppini (2022). “The contribution of hurricane remote ocean forcing to storm surge along the Southeastern U.S. coast.”, Coastal Engineering, 173, p.104098. [link]
​K Park, M Kim, H Yoon (2019). "Effects of the Size and Friction Coefficient of Particles on a Liquid-Gas-Particle Mixture Flow in Dam Break." AIP Advances, 9(1). [link]
​K Park, H Yoon, M Kim (2018). “CFD-DEM based Numerical Simulation of Liquid-Gas-Particle Mixture Flow in Dam Break.” Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 59, pp.105-121. [link]